Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Online Identity

Question: Write an essay onOnline Identity. Answer: Marwicks article on Online Identity deals with the identity of an individual on social media sites. She has explained various theories of identity and applied them to new media contexts. She has also examined the major issues surrounding the new media and identity of an individual by looking specifically at blogs, micro blogging and social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and likewise. The writer has stated that the online identity of an individual is influenced by his online activities. She has also stated that the digital tokens including the icons, pictures, fonts, videos, and music have become the symbolic markers of personal identity. The author has illustrated the work of Lisa Nakamura, a researcher who has examined that most of the online representation of the individuals are generally racist. Most of the online identities are stereotyped and are assumed to be straight males and white individuals (Marwick, 2016). The writer has been of the opinion that the in dividuals today are using social media to communicate with people. The article more or less explains the conept of online and offline identiy of the individuals. Learning experience The writer has emphasized on the fact that the digital identities have become problematic. She has supported her argument by stating that the individuals often present themselves differently upon being influenced by the audience and context. The representation of the identities of individuals also depends on who they are and where they are. Really, this theory made me question the contents that I had created in my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. This was a great learning experience for me to realize that, to what extent social media influences our perception on the identities of the individuals. Social media site related to the article It reminds me of the proverb, "on the internet, no one knows you're a dog" and it holds true to its literal sense (Krotoski, 2012). The issue of authenticity on Tinder is bothering the entire world as the people pretend to be someone else. In fact, one of the essential elements of social media success is hiding or pretending to be someone elses identity. The authentic identity of Tinder is anonymous as people can pretend to be someone else easily (Dijck, 2013). The people can upload random pictures and videos on Tinder pretending to be theirs. However, the social media site is linked with Facebook (Bhagavatula, 2014). It is argued that individuals create fake accounts on Tinder to increase their friends by pretending to be someone else. The people conversing on Tinder have no option but to listen or view the profile. However, it is upon the person if they believe on the impression created by the user to be authentic or genuine. With highly crafted imagery, language and media, people are able to explore impression management. Therefore, online identity can be deliberately delineated (Krotoski, 2012). References Bhagavatula, N. (2014). Social Media -- Legal Ramifications. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2571973Dijck, J. (2013). 'You have one identity': performing the self on Facebook and LinkedIn. Media, Culture Society, 35(2), 199-215. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0163443712468605Krotoski, A. (2012). Online identity: is authenticity or anonymity more important?. the Guardian. Retrieved 12 July 2016, from https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2012/apr/19/online-identity-authenticity-anonymityMarwick, A. (2013). Online Identity. Retrieved from https://www.Identity-Chapter_amarwick_2013.pdf

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